
Borobudur Temple

Believed to have been derived from the Sanskrit words "Vihara Buddha Uhr", (Buddhist Monastery on the Hill). The Borobudur Temple was built in the eighth century by the Cailendra dynasty and is located at Magelang 90-km southeast of Semarang or 42 km Northwest of Yogyakarta. One of the world's most famous temples, it stands on a hill overlooking green fields and distant hills. Borobudur is built of grey andesite stone. It rises in seven terraces, each smaller than the one below it. The top is the Great Stupa, standing 40 meters above the ground. The walls of the Borobudur are sculpted in bas-relief, a length of six kilometres.

Komodo Dragons

Famous around the world for the Komodo Dragon and excellent diving, Komodo lies just to the East of Sumbawa. The legendary reputations of Komodo Dragons, coupled with dangerous currents and deep waters around the island, they have kept the population and visitors to a small amount. This has helped preserve the island natural flora, fauna and coral formations.

Krakatau Volcano

Krakatau erupted in 1883, one of the most catastrophic natural events in recorded history. The volcano literally blew itself apart, sending a column of ash and stone 80 km, into the air. Ash fell on Singapore, and the entire region was covered in darkness for two days. The volcanic dust in the atmosphere circled the earth for three years, creating sensational sunsets. At that very instant, Krakatau vanished as if devoured by the sea, causing formidable tidal waves which in turn swept off just about everything alive from the surrounding coastal areas. However, the disappereance of the gigantic Krakatau also meant the birth of small islands in its place, one of which is called Anak Krakatau or Krakatau's Child which is at present an extremely active young volcano. From both West Java's West Coast and from Sumatra's Lampung Province, this young and very active volcano is clearly visible. It is possible for boats to land on the Eastern Shore of this young volcano, and depending on recent activity, you can climb to the rim of the caldera. A boattrip to Anak Krakatau is worth the adventure.

Lake Toba

Referred to as the centrepiece of North Sumatra Lake Toba offers beautiful scenery and a pleasant climate. Lake Toba is the largest lake in South East Asia measuring 100km in length; it is also one of the deepest and highest lakes in the world. The lake was formed after a prehistoric volcanic explosion; today the surrounding landscape is steep and fertile. Lake Toba has the island of Samosir situated in the centre of the lake and a regular ferry is available from the mainland to Samosir. Samosir is home to the hospitable tribe, Toba Batak and is well worth a visit, just to capture the traditions and culture of the tribe.

Mt. Bromo

Mount Bromo is a convenient stop for travellers between Bali and Surabaya, and the most popular of all of East Java's travel destinations, this active 2,392-metre- (7,85 foot-) high volcano lies 112 kilometres (70 miles), about three hours, southeast of Surabaya. Enclosed by perpendicular walls 350 metres (1,150 feet) high, Bromo's awesome 2,200-metre- (7,220-foot-) high 'sand sea' caldera has three mountains within it, craters within one huge crater, the Bromo Semeru Massif. There are also three small crater lakes inside the larger crater, with waterfowl and excellent hiking. The ideal time to visit is in the dry season (April-November) when you have a better chance of seeing a blood-red sunrise in the wet season, you might as well sleep late and stroll across the sand sea during the warmer part of the day, after the heavy fog has blown away. The temperature on top of Bromo is around 5°C (40°F); in July, it could drop to 0°C (32°F), so dress warmly. Three times a year, the site is overrun by tourists in February when an annual festival takes place, over Christmas, and during July and August. So plan your visit for another time if you don't like crowds. From Bromo's peak are stunning views of active Gunung Semeru, Java's highest mountain. 

Mt. Tangkuban

Mt. Tangkuban Perahu is Bandung's most famous tourist volcano just 28 km north of the city. This volcano offers many places to see and explore. Whether you look into the huge crater or hike down into it, stroll through the forest on its slopes, or simply enjoy the splendid panoramic view, Mt. Tangkuban Perahu is an interesting destination that everyone in the Bandung area is fond of visiting. When seen from Bandung, Mt. Tangkuban Perahu has a distinctive shape, like an upside down boat. Tangkuban Perahu means, in fact, "up-turned boat" This peculiar shape has stimulated the fantasy of the Sundanese people from early times as expressed in the Legend of Sangkuriang.